Get Involved


Adopting a dog is a big commitment, please make sure you are ready to take on the responsibility of another life when sending in an application.


You can help our rescue by becoming a foster parent to one of our amazing rescue dog/cat/bunny until they find a forever home. We will provide food, supplies and pay all vet bills. All we need from you is to love and support one of our very deserving animals.




“I have found that when you are deeply troubled, there are things you get from the silent devoted companionship of a dog that you can get from no other source.”

— Doris Day

Make A Donation

All funds go towards our rescue and service dogs.

We make sure all the rescue dogs we house get the best care we can possibly give them. All our dogs are fully vaccinated and spayed/neutered by the time they leave our care. We provide all dogs with a well balanced highly nutritional meal as well as plenty of exercise.

Your donations helps us rescue animals from malnutrition, abuse, and neglect. All Donations go towards food, vaccines, emergency medical care, bedding, blankets, etc.

Please send e-transfer to with a message as to where you would like the gift to go (rescue or Service Dogs).

Thank you for helping the animals!

We are always in need of:

Paper Towels

Cleaning supplies

Dog food

Collars (used or new)

Slip Leads (used or new)

Beds (used or new)

Kennels (used or new)

Blankets (used or new)

Keep Us Alive

It is crucial for Puca’s Pack to have a steady flow of income to cover monthly expenses (food, supplies, transport, vet bills, etc.) so we would really appreciate it if you could make a small monthly pledge to help support our rescue.

To help us you can set up automatic month payments through PayPal.

Don't worry. You can easily alter or cancel your monthly donation at any time. Any amount you can spare helps the dogs tremendously.